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Superbowl Snow

Few things compare to being able to shred pow all morning and then hunker down on the couch to watch arguably the greatest NFL teams battle it out for the title on Superbowl Sunday.

If you can make it to Tahoe this weekend, or are already here…then consider yourself lucky to experience truly a unique Superbowl weekend as yet another classic Tahoe Storm is headed our way.

Experts predict that the region will receive upwards of 5′ at lake level and even as much as 10′ above 7000′! Click here to see the latest Winter Storm Warning. 

Here’s a few tips to help you prepare for the coming weather if you are in town…

1. Fill Your Gas Tank: make sure that all of your cars and snowblowers have ample gas.

2. Food and Water: Stock your house with enough food and water as well as items that will allow for preparation should the power go out.

3. Remove Snow Often: Rather than waiting till the full storm deposits its snowfall…tackling smaller increments of snow will be better for your body and snow removal equipment.

4. Ride/Ski with a buddy and with a beacon: Always important on big storm days to ride with a buddy, beware of treewells and to consider riding with a beacon even inside of the resort boundaries. Avalanches can occur even in the most unexpected terrain, and being properly prepared can make all the difference.

5. Slow Is Fast: The most important tip when driving in the snow is monitoring your speed. 4 wheel drive is not meant to be operated in excess of 25-30 mph, and when conditions are bad, going slow, downshifting and leaving other cars ample space can help you get to and from your destination safely.